Gingival Disease
A gingival disease is a disorder primarily affecting the gingiva. An example is gingivitis. Causes Dental plaque accumulates at the surfaces when proper cleaning and Overall, the clinical appearance of the tissue reflects the underlying histology, both in health and disease. When the gingival tissue is not healthy, gingival [jin´jĭ-val] pertaining to the gingivae. gingival disease any disease of the gingivae, such as gingivitis. The American Academy of Periodontology 1 mg progestin) found that these drugs increased the risk for gingival disease and suggested an adverse effect on the supporting periodontal tissues.Gingival disease information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues.gingival [jin´jĭ-val] pertaining to the gingivae. gingival disease any disease of the gingivae, such as gingivitis. The American Academy of Periodontology Dental plaque-induced gingival diseases. The classification of gingival disease in this review relied upon experimental and/or epidemiological human studies Gingival Disease. Nield-Gehrig CH 10 Perry CH 6. Gingival Description. 6 Gingival Characteristics. Color Size Position of margin Shape of margins and papillae Diseases related to Gingival Disease via text searches within MalaCards or GeneCards Suite gene sharing:Indices of Periodontal disease Contents 1. Introduction 2. Definition a. Index b. Periodontal disease 3. Various Indices of Periodontal disease a.