Tooth Decay Treatment
Treating tooth decay . The treatment for tooth decay largely depends on how advanced the problem is. If your decay is in the early stages, your dentist may apply a Is this topic for you?This topic provides information on tooth decay and cavities. If you are looking for information on: Gum disease, see the topic Gum Disease.Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, cavities, or caries, is a breakdown of teeth due to activities of bacteria. [1] The cavities may be a number of different Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel (the outer coating of the tooth) and the dentin layer of the tooth.Cavities, also referred to tooth decay or caries, are holes in the teeth. Cavities are the second-most common health disorder in the United States.Scientists have developed a new pain-free filling that allows cavities to be repaired without drilling or injections. The tooth-rebuilding technique developed at King Tooth decay, also known as dental decay or dental caries, is when acids in your mouth dissolve the outer layers of your teeth.Around the Web. No more fillings as dentists reveal new tooth decay treatment The new tooth decay treatment that could see fillings become an Tooth decay is one of the world’s more common problems with health. This is particularly common in teenagers, children as well as older adults.The good news are that several treatments of tooth decay are available to either stop the progress of the disease or/and restore the damage caused by dental caries.