Gum Decay
According to my research, bacteria does not cause tooth decay, and it cannot be the cause of gum disease. At best, bacteria eats the decaying gum tissue in your mouth.Read about gum disease (gingivitis) treatment, symptoms, stages, cures, and home remedies. Gum disease symptoms and signs include loose teeth, bad breath, and swollen Why do gums recede? WebMD explains the causes of gum recession, how it is treated, and how to prevent the condition.Introduction. If you have been told you have periodontal (gum) disease, you’re not alone. Many adults in the U.S. currently have some form of the disease.Gum loss caused by the disease of a biological imbalance labeled as pyorrhea or gingivitis. Tartar and plaque build up on teeth causing bone and tissue loss.Gum disease is a very common condition where the gums I am now facing losing a tooth owing to substantial root decay below the gum line because of Is this topic for you?This topic provides information on tooth decay and cavities. If you are looking for information on: Gum disease, see the topic Gum Disease.Learn the benefits of chewing sugarless gum which can help prevent tooth decay and teeth cavities and increase saliva. Be sure to look for chewing gum that carries Chewing gum is a soft, Chewing gum after a meal replaces brushing and flossing, if that's not possible, to prevent tooth decay and increase saliva production. [21]Dental decay is the demineralization of teeth caused by the fermentation of carbohydrates by bacteria such as Mutans streptococcus present in dental plaque.