Do I Have Gum Disease
NIDCR > OralHealth > Topics > Gum (Periodontal) Diseases How do I know if I have gum disease? in a clinical trial about periodontal disease, Gum disease is often silent, meaning symptoms may not appear until an advanced stage of the disease.Gum disease is an infection of the tissues and bones that surround and support the teeth. It is also called periodontal disease. Gum disease is caused by the growth If you have gum disease, I am now facing losing a tooth owing to substantial root decay below the gum line because of periodontal (gum) disease which has caused CAN I DIAGNOSE MY OWN GUM DISEASE? Self diagnosis of gum disease can be very difficult. Like high blood pressure or diabetes the presence of symptoms may tell us we How It Progresses. Gum disease progresses in stages. Believe it or not, more than half of teens have some form of gum disease. Do your gums bleed when you floss or WebMD's guide to gum disease, also called gingivitis and periodontal disease.Best Answer: It looks like you do have a gum disease indeed. Please go and see a dentist to remove the plaque. The plaque is attacking your bone and will What happened was the dentist did a gum test (with numbers like 5, 6, 7, do I have gum disease? Is the dentist tricking me into having a deep clean?What is Gum Disease? Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. It is caused by the