Receding Gums Graft
WebMD explains why and how a gum graft is performed, what to expect, estimated recovery time, and more.A gum graft is a collective name for surgical periodontal procedures that aim to cover an exposed tooth root Home / Gum Disease 101 / Gum Grafting for Receding Gums .Why do gums recede? WebMD explains the causes of gum recession, how it is treated, and how to prevent the condition.Gingival recession, also known as receding gums, is the exposure in the roots of the teeth caused by a loss of gum tissue and/or retraction of the gingival margin I'm only 16, but the gums on one of my teeth receded, and i'm probably going to need a gum graft. does it hurt? how long does it take?The decision to treat receding gums with a gum graft should be determined only after consulting an experienced oral surgeon.It's a breakthrough that could help ease the pain for millions of people suffering from receding gums. Are you long in the tooth or do you have sensitive teeth?Gum graft surgery is the procedure of repairing receding gums. In this surgery, some healthy palatal tissues are removed and placed on the gums that have receded.Gingival recession, or receding gums, is a condition where the roots of the teeth become exposed because of the loss or shrinking of gum tissue.Traditional Gum Graft Surgery vs. Gum Rejuvenation. If you have receding gums treated the traditional way, a piece of gum tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth