Gums receding is a blog that talks about all the problems of the gums, definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and effective treatment

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

13 How to Prevent Receding Gums

Receding gums are typically a sign of periodontal disease, which is common among adults (and more men than women) in the United States. The major culprit in this preventable disease is dental plaque, a sticky substance composed of millions of bacteria that accumulate around and between teeth. If not removed effectively by daily brushing and flossing, plaque hardens into tartar, which can only be removed during a professional dental cleaning. Although your current dental routine is keeping cavities at bay, plenty of people experience gum disease while remaining cavity-free. In fact, plenty of folks have gum disease and don’t even know it. Above and beyond cosmetic reasons, gum disease has also been

There are actually two forms of periodontal disease: gingivitis is a mild form of periodontal disease that can make your gums swollen and bleed easily. It can typically be managed by regular dental care. However, if not managed effectively, it can develop into periodontitis; a more serious condition where your gums start to pull away from your teeth and create pockets. These pockets between the teeth and gums harbor bacterial infections that can lead to serious damage to your gums and may even result in tooth loss.

13 How to Prevent Receding Gums

How to Prevent Receding Gums
Do-it-yourself options are considered the first resort for managing your symptoms and preventing long-term disease, which include:

  1. Overzealous toothbrushing with hard toothbrush bristles.
  2. An inherited predisposition for thin gum (gingiva) tissue.
  3. Malpositioned teeth, which leads to the spreading or crowding of teeth.
  4. Clenching and grinding of teeth, which some dentists believe causes recession.
  5. Nervous habits like inserting foreign objects in the mouth or scratching the gums with foreign objects.

Based on your question, it sounds to me as though you are aware of your gum recession and doing the right things: getting regular cleanings, using a night guard, and using sensitive tooth toothpaste. Here are some tips to help you prevent further gum recession:

  1. Make sure your dentist teaches you how to properly brush and floss.
  2. Use only ultrasoft toothbrushes.
  3. Make sure your bite is comfortable and has been adjusted if necessary.
  4. Consider orthodontic therapy to realign your teeth into proper position, which can also increase the zone of gum tissue.
  5. Consider gum grafting to increase the zone of attached gingiva or gum tissue; you may even want to consider covering the roots of your teeth.
  6. Continue to wear a night guard each night to reduce stress on your teeth when sleeping.
  7. Avoid putting any foreign objects into your mouth that might cause gum recession.
  8. Gentle toothbrushing with a soft brush and regular three-month cleanings by a dentist to monitor the amount of gum tissue you have are the only ways to really keep things under control. You can add increased amounts of gum tissue at the gum line or increase the gum line of the tooth with special types of gum grafts, which would require surgery by a periodontist. 
 Thus the article How to Prevent receding Gums

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