Gums receding is a blog that talks about all the problems of the gums, definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and effective treatment

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

What Type of Receding Gums Surgery ?

Do you have a receding gum line? Are you worried that your gums are shrinking, revealing too much of your teeth with yellowed sensitive roots? Have you had fillings placed for gumline cavities that are stained and unattractive? Have you lost your youthful smile and are you now literally looking long in the tooth? At Benicia Family Dentistry we can provide you with the best options for gum rejuvenation and gum surgery.

Who can benefit from pinhole surgery?

Anyone who has receding gums is a potential candidate. Whether it happened from brushing too hard, grinding your teeth, damage from gum disease, or orthodontic braces – it does not matter. Receding or shrinking gums can range from slight to severe. Whether you feel like you look too “toothy”, or the roots of your teeth are beginning to be exposed, pinhole gum treatment can help.
Other options for gum rejuvenation
receding gums surgery

What type of surgery is used to treat gum recession?

The following surgical procedures are used to treat gum recession:
  1. Pocket depth reduction: During this procedure, the dentist, or specialist periodontist, folds back the affected gum tissue, removes the harmful bacteria from the pockets, and then snugly secures the gum tissue in place over the tooth root. This eliminates the pockets or reduces their size.
  2. Regeneration: If the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed as a result of gum recession, a procedure to regenerate lost bone and tissue may be recommended. As in pocket depth reduction, your dentist will fold back the gum tissue and remove the bacteria. A regenerative material, such as a membrane, graft tissue, or tissue-stimulating protein, will then be applied to encourage your body to naturally regenerate bone and tissue in that area. After the regenerative material is put in place, the gum tissue is secured over the root of the tooth or teeth.
  3. Soft tissue graft: There are several types of gum tissue graft procedures, but the most commonly used one is called a connective tissue graft. In this procedure, a flap of skin is cut at the roof of your mouth (palate) and tissue from under the flap, called subepithelial connective tissue, is removed and then stitched to the gum tissue surrounding the exposed root. After the connective tissue graft has been removed from under the flap, the flap is stitched back down. During another type of graft, called free gingival graft, tissue is taken directly from the roof of the mouth instead of under the skin. Sometimes, if you have enough gum tissue surrounding the affected teeth, the dentist is able to graft gum from near the tooth and not remove tissue from the palate. This is called a pedicle graft.

Your dentist can determine the best type of procedure to use on you based on your individual about receding gums surgery may help

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