Periodontal Abscess
A Periodontal abscess (also termed lateral abscess, [1] or parietal abscess), [1] is a localized collection of pus (i.e. an abscess) within the tissues of the A look at the problem of a periodontal abscess. The symptoms, causes and treatment of a periodontal abscess all explained by a dentistA periodontal abscess is a bacterial infection that most often develops in the peridontium, a supporting structure that is between the tooth and the gums.Periodontal Abscess A lateral periodontal abscess is a result of rapidly-growing bacteria within a periodontal pocket. A periodontal pocket forms in The periodontal abscess has been recognized as a distinct clinically entity and is defined as a localized purulent inflammation of the periodontal tissues [1].Periodontal abscess is more prevalent in periodontitis patients. A periodontalabscess is more likely to occur in presenting pockets (Carranza).A lateral periodontal abscess is a painful condition in which the soft tissue around a tooth root becomes inflamed and swollen, when a deep periodontal pocket becomes An abscess is a localized collection of pus. Dental abscesses can be related to. infection of the pulp (periapical abscess) infection of the gum and tissues Periodontal Abscess Localized, purulent infection within the tissues adjacent to the periodontal pocket that may lead to the destruction of periodontal ligament and A periodontal abscess is sometimes called a gum boil as the abscess causes a swelling to develop next to a tooth. What are the symptoms of a dental abscess?