Receding Gum Line Surgery
Why do gums recede? WebMD explains the causes of gum recession, how it is treated, and how to prevent the condition.It's a breakthrough that could help ease the pain for millions of people suffering from receding gums. Are you long in the tooth or do you have sensitive teeth?Receding gums, where more of the lower part of teeth becomes exposed, can be a sign of gum disease. Left untreated, the supporting tissue and bone structures of the Gum graft surgery is the procedure of repairing receding gums. In this surgery, some healthy palatal tissues are removed and placed on the gums that have receded.Reverse receding gum line causes - Discover how peridontal gum disease treatment can stop receding gum line by treating the cause.Gingival recession, also known as receding gums, is the exposure in the roots of the teeth caused by a loss of gum tissue and/or retraction of the gingival margin Receding gums can lead to serious oral health problems when the problem is ignored. To keep your mouth healthy, look into receding gums treatments.Treatment for receding gums usually means several costly visits to your dentist and some potentially painful surgery to try and correct the problem.Receding gums don’t just look unappealing; they can lead to tooth loss and gum disease. Read ways to stop receding gums from taking over your smile.Gum surgery. When a person has receding gums they can opt to have a surgery to fix the problem. Even though it is the first treatment that a dentist may offer to fix