Stages Of Periodontal Disease
Learn the stages of the periodontal (gum) disease to avoid periodontal (gum) disease.The stages of periodontal disease are determined based on the amount of damage to bone and gum tissues around teeth. Gum disease treatment depends upon the stage and Graphic and pictoral illustration of progression of periodontal diseaseGum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss, learn ways to identify and treat gum diseases that include Gingivitis and Periodontitis.Overview of the stages of Periodontal Disease along with Tretament of disease. Marielaina Perrone DDS Henderson Dentist 702-458-2929Periodontal disease, or gum disease as it is commonly called, is really a group of diseases with the same end results; inflammation of the gums (gingivitis A recent study conducted by the CDC, estimates that nearly half of Americans 30-years-of-age or older show some form of periodontal disease— whether this ranges The Stages Of Periodontal Disease. For More Details Diagrams Scroll to the Bottom and allow the larger images to loadPeriodontal pathology is a science or a study of periodontal diseases. Periodontal diseases can affect one or more of the periodontal tissues/structures (e.g Untreated periodontal disease like gingivitis and peiodontitis can eventually lead to tooth loss and other health problems.