Dental Problems
For a relatively small space, your mouth has a whole lot going on, health-wise. As the Mayo Clinic (charmingly) puts it, your kisser is "teeming" with Information about common dental problems as well as their causes, symptoms and how to prevent them.Dental problems can include cavities, bad breath, gum disease and more. Learn all about common dental problems and how to deal with them.Dental Problems. Welcome to, the online dental resource for Dental Problems. Simply click on Dental Problems or use our A-Z Index.Tooth Problems. Print this . Share: See complete list of charts. Did you have an injury that knocked out a tooth? Yes: You have TOOTH LOSS. DENTAL EMERGENCYOral Health Overview. Good dental or oral care is important to maintaining healthy teeth, gums and tongue. Oral problems, including bad breath, dry mouth, Dental problems can happen to anyone, any time. Learn what to do when you have dental implants problems, problems with crowns or any other kind of dental problem.Tooth decay Yes, people over 50 can get cavities. You can get them on the surfaces of teeth that have never been a problem before, but you can also get Tooth pathology (or tooth diseases, tooth disorders or dental pathology), is any condition of the teeth that can be congenital or acquired. Sometimes a congenital These tooth problems -- including chipped teeth, cracked teeth, impacted teeth, hyperdontia, cavities, and stained teeth -- can be fixed. This WebMD slideshow explains.