Toothpaste For Gum Disease
Gum (Periodontal) Disease – The Bacteria. To many of us, it comes as a surprise that our overall health is often contingent on having healthy gums.IF YOU’RE 30 YEARS OR OLDER, THERE’S A 50% CHANCE YOU HAVE GUM DISEASE! That’s right. Half of all Americans over the age of 30 currently suffer from various Eighty percent of adults have some form of gum disease, according to the Colgate World of Care website. Gum disease can range from mild, simple gum To help combat the issue of gum problems a break-through oral health innovation has been developed. Read about the toothpaste that reverses gum disease.Gum disease begins with plaque, which is always forming on your teeth, Over-the-counter toothpaste containing the antibacterial triclosan:Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a condition in which the gums, deeper supporting tissue and even the bone surrounding teeth become infected.Any reconmendation for good toothpaste and/or mouth wash which can help maintain good hygiene? Hope you see your gum disease turn around soon.What is gum disease? The threat of gum disease is just another reason to brush your teeth properly with fluoride toothpaste. Many people suffer from gum disease The best toothpaste for gum disease is one that is non abrasive and contains one or more ingredients to decrease harmful bacteria that cause gum disease.Corsodyl® treatment products for the treatment of gum disease, Corsodyl® daily products to help prevent gum disease.