Diabetes And Gum Disease
What Is the Link Between Diabetes and Periodontal Disease? Diabetic Control. Like other complications of diabetes, gum disease is linked to diabetic control.Gum disease is one of the lesser-known complications that can affect patients with diabetes. It is estimated that 1 in 3 diabetics suffer from periodontitis at some The combination of diabetes and periodontal disease can increase the risks associated with each condition.Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is one of the leading causes of tooth loss among adults and is also frequently linked to the control of diabetes.Learn about the relationship between diabetes and gum disease. See how diabetes affects the health of your mouth, and in turn, how the health of your mouth can affect Periodontal disease and diabetes What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease is the scientific name used to describe gum disease. There arePeople with poor blood glucose control get gum disease more often and more with information on diabetes and oral health. Spanish. Diabetes: Warning Signs. As if this is not enough, diabetes can make things worse. Plaque is the main bad guy of gum disease. But diabetes can also be a culprit.Information about the connection between diabetes and gum disease.Diabetes increases your risk for gum disease. The Waterpik Water Flosser is one of the few home care products clinically tested with people who have diabetes.