Gum Boil
Definition of Gum Boils . Gum boils are a generic term that refers to various types of swelling or tissue overgrowth that occurs in the mouth. Gum boils may be fluid What is a Gum Boil? A gum boil is a pus-filled swelling that forms on the soft tissue around the teeth; they are often referred to as abscesses in the dental industry.parulis [pah-roo´lis] an elevated nodule at the site of a fistula draining a chronic periapical abscess; called also gum boil or gumboil. gin·gi·val ab·scessGum boil: Generally the gum boils are treated by drainage of the pus, disinfecting and then filling the infected tooth. Apicectomy, which is the removal of the tip of Ways to Treat Gum Boils. Poor oral hygiene is to be blamed for the onset of gum boil. The abscess is treated with antiseptic agents like hydrogen peroxide and tea boil [boil] a painful nodule formed in the skin by circumscribed inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, enclosing a central slough or “core.” Called Types Of Gum Boil Symptoms. A gum boil or parulis is a small bump that resembles a pimple and emerges on the gum. Often a consequence of a tooth injury or infection A gum boil or parulis is a small bump that resembles a pimple and emerges on the gum. Often a consequence of a tooth injury or infection, it can also occur as a Seek immediate medical attention. Unfortunately, a gum boil can't be treated naturally. It requires immediate medical care to resolve the issue and get your pain gum·boil (gŭm′boil′) n. A small boil or abscess on the gum, often resulting from tooth decay. gumboil (ˈɡʌmˌbɔɪl) n 1. (Pathology) an abscess on the gums